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Knipex Tools LP

KNIPEX specializes in the development and production of high-quality pliers and is Europe's leading manufacturer of these products. KNIPEX was started in Germany over 130 years ago when C. Gustav Putsch set up his own forge shop in Cronenberg (now a suburb of Wuppertal) with one journeyman and two apprentices. Today, KNIPEX continues to grow with new and innovative solutions.

Katsotut tuotteet

Knipex Tools LP

97 99 378

0,00 $ (ei asetettu)
Knipex Tools LP

97 99 332

0,00 $ (ei asetettu)
Knipex Tools LP

97 99 396

0,00 $ (ei asetettu)
Knipex Tools LP

97 99 339

0,00 $ (ei asetettu)
Knipex Tools LP

97 99 372

0,00 $ (ei asetettu)
Knipex Tools LP

97 99 354

0,00 $ (ei asetettu)
Knipex Tools LP

97 99 335

0,00 $ (ei asetettu)
Knipex Tools LP

97 99 399

0,00 $ (ei asetettu)
Knipex Tools LP

97 99 333

0,00 $ (ei asetettu)
Knipex Tools LP

97 99 337

0,00 $ (ei asetettu)

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