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Raspberry Pi

The Raspberry Pi Foundation works to put the power of digital making into the hands of people all over the world, so they are capable of understanding and shaping our increasingly digital world, able to solve the problems that matter to them, and equipped for the jobs of the future. They provide low-cost, high-performance computers that people use to learn, solve problems, and have fun. Raspberry Pi provides outreach and education to help more people access computing and digital making. They develop free resources to help people learn about computing and how to make things with computers, and train educators who can guide other people to learn.

Katsotut tuotteet

Raspberry Pi

RPI HDMI adapter

0,00 $ (ei asetettu)
Raspberry Pi


0,00 $ (ei asetettu)
Raspberry Pi

RPI USB adapter White

0,00 $ (ei asetettu)

Asiantuntijan laatuarvioinnit

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Maailmanlaajuinen hankinta

Ympärivuorokautinen asiakastuki
