Maailman suurin valikoima elektronisia komponentteja varastossa välittömään lähetykseen!
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E-XFL.COM on elektroniikkakomponenttien valtuutettu jakelija yli 400 alan johtavalle toimittajalle.


TechNexion is a leading "Embedded Solution" provider, designing and manufacturing cutting edge computing systems. Backed by experienced engineers and product specialists, our expertise is focused on creating and testing embedded systems that can be applied to networking security, factory automation, medical care equipment, media streaming applications and other industrial fields. TechNexion provides a wide range of embedded modular solutions to leading companies in the ODM/OEM automation and process control, gaming, digital signage, multimedia streaming and advertising, communications, network communication and security industries. TechNexion products include System-on-Modules, carrier boards, embedded systems and single board solutions backed up with unmatched open hardware documentation and opensource software. TechNexion is ISO-9001 and ISO-14001 certified, is a Freescale proven partner and founding member of the EDM (Embedded Design Modules) Standard.

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